Monday, January 20, 2014

Manic Monday, Why should I?

Two days of face painting will support us somehow for a week or even two but the next expected schedule are more or less two weeks away. Thank God there was something on the chat box that gives me hope of survival. Plus I have the time anyway to finish the commission painting for Martin and wife. But it's giving me a hard time. 

Erase...erase. Oh wow!!! Have to put this down...and play Tankionline instead. I had a long weekend, spent working and I need this Monday for reflective rest...and to paint. Engrossed for the whole day painting, I need to rush to convert my time into gold.

By the way, I had my taste of triumph anyway for this day. I'm on my third day with my latest random and sporadic painting...

Uh I have to discuss this on the next blog...

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