Sunday, June 10, 2018

Road to Damascus

"Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life." -- Omar Khayyam

'Though I will at any given time defend my faith, views, and beliefs, I have decided to no longer initiate an argument or respond to issue which I disagree with...unless they really want to hear my side. Come to that point where I no longer need to feed any vanities in and around my ego. That intent should always be to bring the lost back to God's kingdom and not to destroy another person's character. I was once like them too...Like Apostle Paul I thought I'm doing great work for God by bashing heads and proving my theologies are better that others. The Gospel kind of love doesn't work that way...we are here as Believers who should be a perfect example of that Christ-like quality which forgive. What's  the use of discourse if we are not reaching any point of agreement but only more conflict? 

   As a Christian who also fell to the trap of world system....which are often disgusting Virtue Signalling and by far acting and behaving like Social Justice Warrior. I had been really thinking early this year what these are all about...what's the use? 
   The intent to Change but never to punish requires great amount of patience and that is one of the true real virtue...not just show of wits. 

Image may contain: 3 people, people smiling, people sitting

   Below was my statement cum greetings from last years pagan holiday for my friends. These statement will reveal to you how my mindset changed. Instead of directly hurting their feelings I've showed them the true love of Our Father that they may be saved also. Let's not add further damage to these volatile issues. 
Dear Friends Greetings !!! Forgive me if I may not be able to return nor reply back from your warm greetings! 

I Thank Our Father, Yahuwah God for sending all of you into my life as my friends, mentors, and ministers...and that I will be reminded to pray constantly to keep all of you safe under the arms of His mercy for 2018 and years to come. I am looking forward to a more fruitful friendships with each and everyone. 
Thank you so much, I truly appreciate the LOVING intentions ♥♥♥ ...although I personally no longer observe such traditions, however, I welcome the Caring wholeheartedly. God Bless you and enjoy the rest of the Holy Days celebration which I know you truly intended to Our Dear Lord Christ Jesus.
"Though I am free of obligation to anyone, I make myself a slave to everyone, to win as many as possible. To the Jews I became like a Jew, to win the Jews. To those under the Law I became like one under the Law (though I myself am not under the Law), to win those under the Law. To those without the Law I became like one without the Law (though I am not outside the law of God but am under the law of Christ), to win those without the Law.…" -- 1 Corinthians 9:19-21 

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I'll be discussing more on this issue because there's really some important urgent message behind that I've been trying to put together since as to let you know that this article had been stuck for quite sometime. 
Image may contain: 1 personI've really been trying to redirect my mindset and focuses in life. And it seems I'm already getting used to it....having no worries of fulfilling dreams....I don't focus on vain things anymore but more on Heavenly matters. Just to take small step at a big failure. 
   The real battle is in and on the spiritual realm which really made more sense to me now. The literal meaning of these shall be dealt with on future articles. 
   Doing all these for my kids first, then my family, and of course friends....and the others. The truth is more than just strange...more often it is weird and once you truly see the flow of these heavenly and earthly stories you will come to realize that you can't help but cringe. Almost everything was fantastically ridiculous -- 

© Fher

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