“Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father.” John 14:12
What does being wise as a serpent mean? Are we also advise to learn hidden knowledges or the occult. As a Christian it is almost considered taboo to investigate the realm of the occult like New agers, Scientology, Psychic phenomenon and the likes.
I was really interested on these Secret Society thing maybe even around the time of Hal Lindsay's popularity when he wrote "Satan is alive and well on planet Earth" and while other boys my age were busy on exploring youth, I was already browsing data on metaphysical matters. Luckily or by divine coincidences I should say I was always lead to resources of this time by sheer accident. Like who would discover "The Celestine Prophesy" in a trash can. Perhaps the enlightenment was always toward me....I was indeed chosen to do these part. As a Christian artist as well.
Many people are afraid to deal with things that are considered Satanic such as psychic ability, the occult, metaphysical knowledge and enlightenment. This is a deception created by the devil to strip people of universal power if they desire to follow the Christian faith. Complete truth is the combination of knowing the Personal God revealed in the Bible, as well as knowing all of science, universal laws and consciousness. Christ is the head of all principality and power. Therefore in Christ we can use all with faith.-- Enoch Tan
Everyone in my circle of “psychic” friends are Christian and they love God, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The problem is that society and even our fellow Christians make us feel like misfits. Christianity has taught us that these gifts are wrong and evil. We don’t fit in to traditional church congregations so most of us don’t go to church because of that. But we still worship God, love Jesus, and the term “spirit” we are referring to is the Holy Spirit. (Spiritual insights from a Psychic Christian)
So in terms of learning the outer dimensions apart from the material world we see, I am more incline to that search or maybe quest to learn the inner working of the serpent...why? because I knew, at least I come to accept now, that this is my God-given gift as well. And I am giving back the glory to Almighty Father because it is not my own ability after all but a revelation from God. Apart from God I can do nothing.
To give God thanks for our spiritual gifts is to put God higher than yourself. If you give yourself credit for the spiritual gift and not acknowledge Him, then you turn these special abilities into a “craft”.
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