And God replied very quickly....miracle still do happen no matter what the skeptics may say....That day when I was truly down and the people you love no longer have faith in what you do.....can't even treat Elijah on his birthday because in twist of fate I have no face-painting sked for more than two weeks....even if I think long and hard I can not produce anything....barely selling....and Bhel too is having difficulty to meet her target daily sale....some kinda joke that I was adored as one of the best artisan....so they say....well at least to those who were able to reach the radar of my artistry.
Sir Armar Ramirez asked for my help to his project which ables me to cross, as much as I wanted to give up the struggles. So God wanted me to stay....keep on...

Remember the importance of friendship. All Great Artist emerges from other artist ahead of him. So cultivate that connection with "Other" artist (more importantly those who are there before you came).....it is not only more likely to get you recognized, but also more likely to get you to the point where you’re ready to be recognized...
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