She's such a good lady..very cordial and so naturally sweet. A true respecter and lover of Art, that is why I agreed to do the portrait commission for her at minimal pay. It's not all about the money anyway but true appreciation and understanding of a person's talent. Madam Donna Claire's vibrancy is contagious, at her age which was 2 more years before she get a Senior card was hard to believe because she radiate youthful energy.
She's easy to get a long and in just a short time we've chatted a lot and I easily open up to her about my sickness. She also told me some health tips and to stay connected to our Lord Jesus Christ.
I also gave her for free the artwork I did for her grand-daughter. She now has 3 artwork from me and would gladly give more in the future, that's how I truly enjoy her care for my creation..not a single post at my FB wall scape her attention. I true fan of my Art and perhaps my living as well..she told me that Mam Nitz and Ms. Elizabeth were also a fan of my art. Well, I have lots of believer and I have to pray for them to be bless so that may be able to buy my work. ☺ Haha.

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