Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Fher-losopically Speaking Again

Art isn't about what you expect to see; it's about what you should see.
Ang Sining ay hindi tungkol sa mga bagay na gusto mong makita;
ito'y tungkol sa mga bagay na dapat mong makita.

Teach your children the value of Art materials....
Pencil rendition helps them makes plan, charcoal show them how to be simple, watercolor teach them caution, pastels to see harmony, acrylic to act fast, and oil to be patient.

Does your Artwork or Idea has value? Then how much? Can we value them by how many LIKES or like emoticon thumbs up? hmmm Maybe. 
But for me the best way to measure them is if people TALK about it.... or in Cyber language: Does your viewer SHARE IT? 
That's real value!!! Because people are so captured with your creation, they are willing and so happy to share them.

We are often told that Practice makes perfect. Why? Because every inch of our body Remember, Retains, and Refine what it constantly do. 
It's the same reason why Bad habit are hard to break. You're not good in watercolor because you have not downloaded the watercolor software in your muscle yet. Downloading info takes time... 
I say: " Form Good Habits and become its Slave."
Back to Fher-losopy 101 again.... I need to Psyche myself.

'cause I seem to have lost the memories.

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