Thursday, January 27, 2011


Hurdling the conceptual and emotional dialect of a visual manifestation from pain, joy, and beauty; among others proves to be very challenging. How do you express in written language something that exist only from the heart? Transferring these experiences into symbolical images is the first step and the most crucial part. How can I share this "Realization" with concrete PROCESS to follow?
   Admittedly, as a theory still in progress, Realizationism Art is an evolving process. Even if this  Art Experience came from a "divine" revelation one afternoon of 1995 (The search actually begun in 1985) I do not discount  scientific approach to measure, quantify, or evaluate my discovery to share the enlightenment in workable system.
Learning or achieving Realizationism on an artwork or any other interest (can be applied also in our daily activities) will require conscious effort from its practitioner. As I have said before  that "it is my lifetime thesis" and may actually require my entire earth existence to fully cover; as it is an evolving artworks that respond to the process of "cause and effect"; "learning and unlearning"; and Bible principle.
   I am a Christian and my faith lead me to this vocation, so every now and then I will refer to The Word of God for references and support. The first verse that I would like you to focus into is Proverbs 16:3 "Commit thy work unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be established." All else will depend on the teaching of the Bible, the written revelation of God for man. I believe we will never go wrong if we abide in God.
  Now that we have the right foundation, we now can go into detail to help you in discovering realizationism in your life.

Capturing the Essence
  Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.
    -- Joshua 1:8
   I advise would be practitioner of this Art Experience to "chew life a little slower" so to enable the lesson from daily routine to sink in and benefit from the full potential of realization. Yes, there's always the threat of distraction so we must REMIND ourselves to always set aside a quiet time.  There are many books on meditation that might help you, and you may even have a process of your own, the important factor here is that you focus on the word of God. Probably, you can start humming a song you like, a Christian song that uplifts your spirit, or go directly in praying and asking the Holy Spirit to comes in....and then, which is the MOST important, read the word of God. When we read we dissect the detail of a passage, like to whom it is spoken into, when we can't understand certain passage, do not stress yourself....leave it alone in the meantime. The purpose of meditation is to experience the presence of God and not to confuse you. Seek a right passage that fits what you are experiencing at the moment. So, it is advisable that you have thoroughly read both The New and Old Testament. Mature Christian in faith knows exactly the right verse in any given situation, lets assume that you are just a new born baby and still on the process of we take in soft food first or milk. Claim a passage and call it your own.
   It has been very helpful for me, most especially during the early stage of my self-searching to daily utter Bible verses. These verses keep me from falling apart. 

   So how do we really capture the essence of a given situation?
   The first value we must acquire and polish within our lives is the ability to "focus". A camera need the right aperture and focus to achieve a clear image. We must learn to see things as they really are and not what they seems to be. The reason why I shared to you about having a quiet time and regularly meditate because Daily Meditation aid us to adopt the habit of Focus. (see also The Critical Thinker)
   Now, that I have pointed out the first step--FOCUS; and the process and exercises to adopt auto-focus in any situations through daily doses of the word of God; we can now begin the exciting process of Realizationism Art.

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